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id | 200783 |
name | [雪梅の羽衣]アナスタシア |
chara_id | 227 |
rarity | 5 |
attribute | 2 |
title_flag | 1 |
evolution_id | 200784 |
series_id | 200783 |
pose | 21 |
place | 863 |
evolution_type | 8 |
album_id | 2270210 |
open_story_id | 4467 |
open_dress_id | 0 |
skill_id | 200783 |
leader_skill_id | 45 |
grow_type | 1 |
hp_min | 35 |
vocal_min | 2437 |
dance_min | 1286 |
visual_min | 1569 |
hp_max | 35 |
vocal_max | 4699 |
dance_max | 2468 |
visual_max | 3012 |
bonus_hp | 2 |
bonus_vocal | 235 |
bonus_dance | 124 |
bonus_visual | 151 |
solo_live | 1001 |
star_lesson_type | 3 |
disp_order | 2215 |
voice_flag | 1 |
card_data_id | None |
sub_attribute | None |
chara | chara_data_t(chara_id=227, name='アナスタシア', name_kana='あなすたしあ', age=15, home_town=12, height=165, weight=43, body_size_1=80, body_size_2=54, body_size_3=80, birth_month=9, birth_day=19, constellation=1006, blood_type=2004, hand=3003, favorite='ホームパーティ・天体観測', voice='上坂すみれ', model_height_id=2, model_weight_id=0, model_bust_id=1, model_skin_id=0, spine_size=1, personality=3, type=2, base_card_id=200039, bus_vo_value=1307, bus_da_value=4650, bus_vi_value=1733, special_type=0, kanji_spaced='アナスタシア', kana_spaced='あなすたしあ', conventional='Anastasia', valist=[]) |
has_spread | True |
has_sign | False |
name_only | アナスタシア |
title | 雪梅の羽衣 |
skill | skill_data_t(id=200783, skill_name='白の軌跡', explain='7秒毎、高確率でライフを11消費し、わずかな間PERFECT/GREATのスコア18%アップ、NICE/BADでもCOMBO継続', skill_type=14, judge_type=1, skill_trigger_type=0, skill_trigger_value=11, cutin_type=2, condition=7, value=118, probability_type=4, available_time_type=2, value_2=0, value_3=0, chance=functools.partial(<function skill_chance at 0x7f4d8ab69cf0>, {1: probability_type_t(probability_type=1, probability_min=2500, probability_max=3750, explain='超低確率で'), 2: probability_type_t(probability_type=2, probability_min=3000, probability_max=4500, explain='低確率で'), 3: probability_type_t(probability_type=3, probability_min=3500, probability_max=5250, explain='中確率で'), 4: probability_type_t(probability_type=4, probability_min=4000, probability_max=6000, explain='高確率で'), 5: probability_type_t(probability_type=5, probability_min=4500, probability_max=6750, explain='超高確率で'), 6: probability_type_t(probability_type=6, probability_min=10000, probability_max=10000, explain='必ず')}, 4), dur=functools.partial(<function skill_dur at 0x7f4d8ab69c60>, {1: available_time_type_t(available_time_type=1, available_time_min=200, available_time_max=300, explain='一瞬の間'), 2: available_time_type_t(available_time_type=2, available_time_min=300, available_time_max=450, explain='わずかな間'), 3: available_time_type_t(available_time_type=3, available_time_min=400, available_time_max=600, explain='少しの間'), 4: available_time_type_t(available_time_type=4, available_time_min=500, available_time_max=750, explain='しばらくの間'), 5: available_time_type_t(available_time_type=5, available_time_min=600, available_time_max=900, explain='かなりの間'), 6: available_time_type_t(available_time_type=6, available_time_min=600000, available_time_max=600000, explain='常時')}, 2), max_chance=6000, max_duration=450) |
lead_skill | leader_skill_data_t(id=45, name='クールアビリティ', explain='クールアイドルの特技発動確率30%アップ', type=20, need_cute=0, need_cool=0, need_passion=0, target_attribute=2, target_param=6, up_type=1, up_value=30, special_id=0, need_chara='', target_attribute_2=0, target_param_2=0, up_type_2=0, up_value_2=0, need_skill_variation=0, param_limit=0, or_more_need_cute=1, or_more_need_cool=1, or_more_need_passion=1) |
rarity_dep | card_rarity_t(rarity=5, base_max_level=60, add_max_level=0, max_love=100, base_give_money=5000, base_give_exp=1000, add_param=0, max_star_rank=20) |
overall_min | 5292 |
overall_max | 10179 |
overall_bonus | 510 |
valist | [] |
best_stat | 3 |