甘美なる一夜 Nitta Minami [SSR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
40 +2 1761..3657 +183 2735..5709 +286 1441..3005 +151
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5937..12371 +620 200 80
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • プライズ付き復刻バレンタインK.O.ガシャ (2024; 27 January ~ 30 January)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
  • 感謝一発 バレンタインK.O.ガシャ (2021; 03 February ~ 10 February)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
(Combo Bonus) Every 6 seconds, there is a 35..52.5% chance to increase the combo bonus by 18% for 3..4.5 seconds.
Leader Skill クールステップ
Raises the Dance appeal of all Cool members by 90%.