双葉 (ふたば) (あんず) (Futaba Anzu)
Futaba Anzu [Rare]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
25 +2 1479..2506 +126 1470..2491 +125 1468..2488 +125
Life Vocal Dance Visual
4417..7485 +376 50 40
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • Gacha (2015; 01 March ~ 17 September)
(Lesser Perfect Lock) Every 11 seconds, there is a 30..45% chance that Great notes will become Perfect notes for 5..7.5 seconds.
Leader Skill キュートアビリティ
Raises the skill probability of all Cute members by 15%.
ぐうたら王国 Futaba Anzu [SSR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
40 +2 1742..3629 +182 1452..3024 +152 2613..5443 +273
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5807..12096 +607 200 80
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • Gacha (2015; 01 March ~ 17 September)
(Score Bonus) Every 13 seconds, there is a 40..60% chance to increase Perfect/Great note scores by 17% for 6..9 seconds.
Leader Skill キュートメイク
Raises the Visual appeal of all Cute members by 90%.
なまけものフェアリー Futaba Anzu [SSR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
80 +4 1955..4073 +204 2102..4379 +219 1926..4012 +201
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5983..12464 +624 200 80
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • 復刻ビギニングサマーガシャ (2019; 26 June ~ 30 June)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
  • ビギニングサマーガシャ (2016; 30 June ~ 10 July)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
(Healer) Every 11 seconds, there is a 40..60% chance that Perfect notes will restore 3 life for 4..6 seconds.
Leader Skill キュートエナジー
Raises the life of all Cute members by 30%.
ハロウィンぷちデビル Futaba Anzu [SR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
35 +2 1933..3717 +186 1779..3421 +172 1748..3361 +169
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5460..10499 +527 100 60
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • 復刻ハッピーハロウィンガシャ (2019; 27 September ~ 30 September)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
  • ハッピーハロウィンガシャ (2016; 30 September ~ 09 October)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
(Greater Perfect Lock) Every 15 seconds, there is a 35..52.5% chance that Great/Nice notes will become Perfect notes for 5..7.5 seconds.
Leader Skill キュートアビリティ
Raises the skill probability of all Cute members by 30%.
あんきら ! ?狂騒曲 Futaba Anzu [SR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
35 +2 1630..3134 +157 1350..2596 +130 2480..4770 +239
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5460..10500 +526 100 60
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • Event: あんきら ! ?狂騒曲 (2016; 21 December ~ 27 December)
(Combo Bonus) Every 7 seconds, there is a 40..60% chance to increase the combo bonus by 14% for 3..4.5 seconds.
Leader Skill キュートメイク
Raises the Visual appeal of all Cute members by 60%.
リトルリドル Futaba Anzu [SR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
35 +2 2319..4460 +223 1225..2356 +118 1491..2868 +144
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5035..9684 +485 100 60
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • Event: LIVE Groove Visual burst (2017; 30 June ~ 09 July)
Hey Yo Sing
(Concentration) Every 13 seconds, there is a 40..60% chance to increase Perfect note scores by 19% for 6..9 seconds. (The timing window for Perfect notes will be smaller during this time.)
Leader Skill キュートボイス
Raises the Vocal appeal of all Cute members by 60%.
おーる・ふぉー・ふぁん Futaba Anzu [SSR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
40 +2 1412..2941 +148 2798..5830 +292 1742..3630 +182
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5952..12401 +622 200 80
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • シンデレラフェス ブラン (2024; 29 July ~ 05 August)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
  • Gacha (2017 Dec 31 ~ 2018 Jan 04)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
(Skill Boost) Every 10 seconds, there is a 40..60% chance to boost the effects of currently active skills for 6..9 seconds.
Leader Skill トリコロール・アビリティ
If there are Cute, Cool, and Passion idols on the team: Raises the skill probability of all members by 50%.
あんず色の青春 Futaba Anzu [SSR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
40 +2 1451..3022 +152 2728..5683 +285 1763..3672 +184
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5942..12377 +621 200 80
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • プライズ付き復刻フレッシュスクールガシャ (2022; 26 March ~ 30 March)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
  • フレッシュスクールガシャ (2019; 31 March ~ 09 April)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
(Life Sparkle) Every 13 seconds, there is a 40..60% chance that you will gain a combo bonus based on your current life for 6..9 seconds.
Leader Skill キュートチアー
If there are only Cute idols on the team: Raises the life of all Cute members by 40%.
目指せ ! ユートピア Futaba Anzu [SSR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
40 +2 2693..5626 +282 1778..3699 +185 1477..3067 +154
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5948..12392 +621 200 80
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • プライズ付き復刻5周年アニバーサリーサマーガシャ (2023; 25 August ~ 30 August)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
  • 祝 ! 5周年アニバーサリーサマーガシャ (2020; 05 September ~ 14 September)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
(Alternate) Every 11 seconds, there is a 35..52.5% chance to reduce combo bonus by 20%, but also apply the highest score bonus gained so far with a 70% boost for 6..9 seconds.
Leader Skill キュートプリンセス
If there are only Cute idols on the team: Raises all appeals of all Cute members by 50%.
あんずのきもち Futaba Anzu [SR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
78 +4 1753..3353 +168 1921..3704 +186 1705..3287 +165
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5379..10344 +519 100 60
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • プライズ付き復刻バレンタインK.O.ガシャ (2024; 27 January ~ 30 January)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
  • 感謝一発 バレンタインK.O.ガシャ (2021; 03 February ~ 10 February)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
(Life Guard) Every 11 seconds, there is a 40..60% chance that life will not decrease for 5..7.5 seconds.
Leader Skill キュートアビリティ
Raises the skill probability of all Cute members by 30%.
偉大なる休憩主 Futaba Anzu [SSR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
40 +2 233..485 +25 3..4 +1 4..11 +1
Life Vocal Dance Visual
240..500 +27 200 80
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • Gacha (2021; 16 December ~ 19 December)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
(Cinderella Magic) Every 12 seconds, there is a 35..52.5% chance to activate all skills on the team, then apply the best available score/combo bonus to each note for 5..7.5 seconds. (Bonuses are subject to the conditions of each skill.)
Leader Skill シンデレラブレス
Each member on your team will receive the best available leader effect from your team (including your guest's leader effect).
まほうのまくら Futaba Anzu [SR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
35 +2 1624..3115 +156 2514..4824 +242 1314..2546 +128
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5452..10485 +526 100 60
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • Event: まほうのまくら (2022; 19 April ~ 27 April)
(Encore) Every 18 seconds, there is a 35..52.5% chance to activate the previous skill again for 6..9 seconds.
Leader Skill シンデレラチャーム
Increases fan gain by 32% when you finish a live.
杏の夏休み Futaba Anzu [SR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
35 +2 1274..2442 +123 1564..3002 +151 2452..4729 +237
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5290..10173 +511 100 60
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • プライズ付き復刻浴衣でめぐる風物詩ガシャ (2024; 26 June ~ 28 June)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
  • カランコロン 浴衣でめぐる風物詩ガシャ (2022; 04 July ~ 13 July)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
(All-Round) Every 5 seconds, there is a 40..60% chance to increase the combo bonus by 10%, and Perfect notes will restore 1 life for 2..3 seconds.
Leader Skill キュートアビリティ
Raises the skill probability of all Cute members by 30%.
あんずの福袋 Futaba Anzu [SSR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
40 +2 2744..5704 +286 1441..3006 +151 1754..3662 +184
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5939..12372 +621 200 80
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • プライズ付き復刻大願成就ガシャ (2024; 25 December ~ 27 December)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
  • 飛躍の年に 大願成就ガシャ (2023; 04 January ~ 14 January)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
(Cute Ensemble) Every 13 seconds, there is a 40..60% chance to boost the score/combo bonus of Cute idols' active skills for 6..9 seconds.
Leader Skill キュートユニゾン
Raises all appeals of all Cute members by 30% (55% when playing a Cute-type song).
ようこそぜいたくパーティー Futaba Anzu [SSR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
40 +2 2743..5707 +286 1761..3664 +184 1434..3000 +150
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5938..12371 +620 200 80
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • プライズ付き復刻ホワイトホリデーガシャ (2024; 27 November ~ 29 November)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
  • 聖なる日の贈り物 ホワイトホリデーガシャ (2023; 04 December ~ 13 December)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
(Overdrive) Every 7 seconds, there is a 40..60% chance to increase the combo bonus by 20%, and Perfect notes will restore 1 life for 4..6 seconds. (Your combo will only continue on Perfect notes during this time.)
Leader Skill キュートボイス
Raises the Vocal appeal of all Cute members by 90%.
モラトリアム Futaba Anzu [SR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
35 +2 2508..4821 +242 1330..2553 +128 1615..3111 +156
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5453..10485 +526 100 60
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • Event: LIVE Groove Dance burst (2024; 29 July ~ 10 August)
(Perfect Score Bonus) Every 9 seconds, there is a 40..60% chance to increase Perfect note scores by 8%, and hold notes will receive a 24% score bonus for 5..7.5 seconds.
Leader Skill キュート・クロス・パッション
If there are Cute and Passion idols on the team: Raises all appeals of all members by 20%, and of all members by 8%.