木村 (きむら) 夏樹 (なつき) (Kimura Natsuki)
Kimura Natsuki [Normal]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
20 +1 1830..2613 +131 941..1343 +68 1154..1648 +83
Life Vocal Dance Visual
3925..5604 +282 20 20
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
ロッキングラヴァー Kimura Natsuki [SR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
35 +2 1763..3389 +170 1748..3361 +169 1836..3530 +177
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5347..10280 +516 100 60
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • Gacha (2015; 01 March ~ 17 September)
(Greater Perfect Lock) Every 9 seconds, there is a 35..52.5% chance that Great/Nice notes will become Perfect notes for 3..4.5 seconds.
Leader Skill パッションアビリティ
Raises the skill probability of all Passion members by 30%.
エモーショナルビート Kimura Natsuki [SSR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
40 +2 1741..3628 +182 1437..2993 +150 2679..5582 +280
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5857..12203 +612 200 80
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • 復刻うきうきトラベルガシャ (2019; 26 April ~ 30 April)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
  • うきうきトラベルガシャ (2016; 30 April ~ 10 May)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
(Combo Bonus) Every 13 seconds, there is a 40..60% chance to increase the combo bonus by 18% for 6..9 seconds.
Leader Skill パッションメイク
Raises the Visual appeal of all Passion members by 90%.
Jet to the Future Kimura Natsuki [SR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
35 +2 1226..2357 +118 2295..4413 +221 1487..2860 +143
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5008..9630 +482 100 60
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • Event: Jet to the Future (2016; 20 October ~ 27 October)
(Overload) Every 9 seconds, there is a 35..52.5% chance that 15 life will be consumed to increase Perfect/Great note scores by 18%, and prevent Nice/Bad notes from breaking the combo for 5..7.5 seconds.
Leader Skill パッションステップ
Raises the Dance appeal of all Passion members by 60%.
FEEL SO FREE Kimura Natsuki [SSR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
40 +2 2694..5613 +281 1779..3707 +186 1477..3078 +154
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5950..12398 +621 200 80
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • Gacha (2017; 09 June ~ 14 June)
(Concentration) Every 11 seconds, there is a 40..60% chance to increase Perfect note scores by 22% for 5..7.5 seconds. (The timing window for Perfect notes will be smaller during this time.)
Leader Skill パッションボイス
Raises the Vocal appeal of all Passion members by 90%.
華夜紅炎 Kimura Natsuki [SR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
35 +2 2493..4795 +240 1541..2964 +149 1244..2393 +120
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5278..10152 +509 100 60
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • プライズ付き復刻七夕浴衣ガシャ (2021; 25 June ~ 29 June)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
  • 七夕浴衣ガシャ (2018; 03 July ~ 13 July)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
(Greater Perfect Lock) Every 7 seconds, there is a 40..60% chance that Great/Nice notes will become Perfect notes for 2..3 seconds.
Leader Skill パッションボイス
Raises the Vocal appeal of all Passion members by 60%.
ガールズインザフロンティア Kimura Natsuki [SR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
35 +2 1499..2883 +145 1238..2380 +119 2304..4430 +222
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5041..9693 +486 100 60
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • Event: LIVE Groove Vocal burst (2018; 31 August ~ 07 September)
(Perfect Score Bonus) Every 9 seconds, there is a 40..60% chance to increase Perfect note scores by 15% for 4..6 seconds.
Leader Skill パッションメイク
Raises the Visual appeal of all Passion members by 60%.
ロッキングメイド Kimura Natsuki [SR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
35 +2 1298..2497 +125 2426..4665 +234 1575..3029 +152
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5299..10191 +511 100 60
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • プライズ付き復刻ガールズチャレンジガシャ (2022; 25 April ~ 29 April)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
  • ガールズチャレンジガシャ (2019; 03 May ~ 11 May)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
(All-Round) Every 5 seconds, there is a 40..60% chance to increase the combo bonus by 10%, and Perfect notes will restore 1 life for 2..3 seconds.
Leader Skill パッションアビリティ
Raises the skill probability of all Passion members by 30%.
空想探査計画 Kimura Natsuki [SR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
35 +2 1333..2564 +129 1619..3114 +156 2501..4810 +241
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5453..10488 +526 100 60
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • Event: 空想探査計画 (2019; 21 October ~ 28 October)
(Passion Focus) Every 6 seconds, there is a 35..52.5% chance to increase Perfect note scores by 14%, and the combo bonus by 11% for 3..4.5 seconds. (All idols on your team must be Passion types.)
Leader Skill パッションプリンセス
If there are only Passion idols on the team: Raises all appeals of all Passion members by 35%.
艶炎小唄 Kimura Natsuki [SSR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
40 +2 1771..3703 +186 2707..5627 +282 1470..3062 +154
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5948..12392 +622 200 80
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • プライズ付き復刻秋の紅潮温泉ガシャ (2023; 26 October ~ 30 October)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
  • おひとり様歓迎 ! 秋の紅潮温泉ガシャ (2020; 04 November ~ 13 November)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
(Alternate) Every 9 seconds, there is a 35..52.5% chance to reduce combo bonus by 20%, but also apply the highest score bonus gained so far with a 70% boost for 5..7.5 seconds.
Leader Skill パッションプリンセス
If there are only Passion idols on the team: Raises all appeals of all Passion members by 50%.
My Life, My Sounds Kimura Natsuki [SSR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
40 +2 1053..2183 +110 1391..2887 +145 3509..7331 +367
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5953..12401 +622 200 80
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • シンデレラフェス ブラン (2024; 29 November ~ 05 December)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
  • Gacha (2022; 30 January ~ 04 February)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
(Refrain) Every 11 seconds, there is a 40..60% chance to apply the effect of the best score or combo bonus skill activated so far for 5..7.5 seconds.
Leader Skill シンデレラウィッシュ
May drop star pieces when you finish a live. The drop rate scales based on star rank.
緋色のラブ・ソング Kimura Natsuki [SSR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
40 +2 1451..3006 +151 1753..3660 +183 2735..5706 +286
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5939..12372 +620 200 80
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • プライズ付き復刻スウィートバレンタインガシャ (2025; 27 January ~ 30 January)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
  • 特別をあなたに スウィートバレンタインガシャ (2023; 04 February ~ 13 February)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
(Passion Ensemble) Every 13 seconds, there is a 40..60% chance to boost the score/combo bonus of Passion idols' active skills for 6..9 seconds.
Leader Skill パッションユニゾン
Raises all appeals of all Passion members by 30% (55% when playing a Passion-type song).