(ほり) 裕子 (ゆうこ) (Hori Yuko)
Hori Yuko [Normal]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
20 +1 924..1319 +66 1144..1633 +82 1851..2643 +133
Life Vocal Dance Visual
3919..5595 +281 20 20
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
湯けむりサイキッカー Hori Yuko [SR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
35 +2 1440..2770 +139 1178..2266 +114 2260..4347 +218
Life Vocal Dance Visual
4878..9383 +471 100 60
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • Event: LIVE Groove Vocal burst (2015; 31 October ~ 08 November)
(Perfect Score Bonus) Every 6 seconds, there is a 35..52.5% chance to increase Perfect note scores by 15% for 3..4.5 seconds.
Leader Skill パッションメイク
Raises the Visual appeal of all Passion members by 60%.
絶対特権主張しますっ ! Hori Yuko [SR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
35 +2 1653..3179 +159 1848..3553 +178 1614..3104 +156
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5115..9836 +493 100 60
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • Event: 絶対特権主張しますっ ! (2016; 20 March ~ 27 March)
(Perfect Score Bonus) Every 13 seconds, there is a 40..60% chance to increase Perfect note scores by 15% for 6..9 seconds.
Leader Skill パッションブリリアンス
Raises all appeals of all Passion members by 30%.
セーシュンエナジー Hori Yuko [SSR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
40 +2 1778..3704 +186 1482..3087 +155 2667..5556 +278
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5927..12347 +619 200 80
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • Gacha (2016; 09 September ~ 14 September)
(Score Bonus) Every 11 seconds, there is a 35..52.5% chance to increase Perfect/Great note scores by 17% for 6..9 seconds.
Leader Skill パッションメイク
Raises the Visual appeal of all Passion members by 90%.
さいきっく☆ボイス Hori Yuko [SR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
78 +4 1751..3368 +169 1720..3307 +166 1910..3674 +184
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5381..10349 +519 100 60
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • 夢思ふ振袖ガシャ (2016 Dec 31 ~ 2017 Jan 10)
(Healer) Every 13 seconds, there is a 40..60% chance that Perfect notes will restore 3 life for 4..6 seconds.
Leader Skill パッションアビリティ
Raises the skill probability of all Passion members by 30%.
モーレツ★世直しギルティ ! Hori Yuko [SR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
35 +2 2475..4760 +238 1632..3139 +157 1354..2604 +131
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5461..10503 +526 100 60
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • Event: モーレツ★世直しギルティ ! (2017; 19 May ~ 28 May)
(Combo Bonus) Every 4 seconds, there is a 35..52.5% chance to increase the combo bonus by 14% for 2..3 seconds.
Leader Skill パッションボイス
Raises the Vocal appeal of all Passion members by 60%.
トリック☆ジョーカー Hori Yuko [SSR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
40 +2 1884..3926 +197 2364..4925 +247 1789..3727 +187
Life Vocal Dance Visual
6037..12578 +631 200 80
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • プライズ付き復刻ゆったり温泉紀行ガシャ (2020; 26 October ~ 31 October)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
  • ゆったり温泉紀行ガシャ (2017; 02 November ~ 10 November)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
(Overload) Every 7 seconds, there is a 40..60% chance that 11 life will be consumed to increase Perfect/Great note scores by 20%, and prevent Nice/Bad notes from breaking the combo for 4..6 seconds.
Leader Skill パッションブリリアンス
Raises all appeals of all Passion members by 40%.
サイキックマジシャン Hori Yuko [SR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
35 +2 1528..2938 +147 2410..4635 +232 1247..2399 +120
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5185..9972 +499 100 60
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • Event: ススメ ! シンデレラロード (2018; 11 September ~ 17 September)
(Combo Bonus) Every 7 seconds, there is a 35..52.5% chance to increase the combo bonus by 14% for 4..6 seconds.
Leader Skill パッションステップ
Raises the Dance appeal of all Passion members by 60%.
彩☆きっく乙女 Hori Yuko [SSR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
40 +2 1763..3672 +184 2728..5683 +285 1451..3022 +152
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5942..12377 +621 200 80
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • プライズ付き復刻七夕祈願まつりガシャ (2022; 25 June ~ 29 June)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
  • 七夕祈願まつりガシャ (2019; 04 July ~ 12 July)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
(Life Sparkle) Every 9 seconds, there is a 40..60% chance that you will gain a combo bonus based on your current life for 4..6 seconds.
Leader Skill パッションチアー
If there are only Passion idols on the team: Raises the life of all Passion members by 40%.
ホーリーホリデー Hori Yuko [SSR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
40 +2 2727..5696 +285 1746..3654 +183 1465..3021 +152
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5938..12371 +620 200 80
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • プライズ付き復刻クリスマスショータイムガシャ (2023; 26 November ~ 29 November)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
  • 永遠の聖音クリスマスショータイムガシャ (2020; 04 December ~ 14 December)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
(Passion Ensemble) Every 9 seconds, there is a 40..60% chance to boost the score/combo bonus of Passion idols' active skills for 4..6 seconds.
Leader Skill パッションユニゾン
Raises all appeals of all Passion members by 30% (55% when playing a Passion-type song).
海のぱわー☆ Hori Yuko [SR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
35 +2 2333..4485 +225 1118..2152 +108 1402..2697 +135
Life Vocal Dance Visual
4853..9334 +468 100 60
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • Event: シンデレラキャラバン (2021; 10 August ~ 17 August)
(Coordinate) Every 11 seconds, there is a 40..60% chance to increase Perfect note scores by 8%, and the combo bonus by12% for 5..7.5 seconds.
Leader Skill パッションボイス
Raises the Vocal appeal of all Passion members by 60%.
ワールド・ディストーション Hori Yuko [SSR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
40 +2 3525..7332 +367 1057..2192 +110 1385..2877 +144
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5967..12401 +621 200 80
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • シンデレラフェス ブラン (2024 Dec 27 ~ 2025 Jan 06)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
  • Gacha (2021; 30 October ~ 04 November)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
(Refrain) Every 9 seconds, there is a 40..60% chance to apply the effect of the best score or combo bonus skill activated so far for 4..6 seconds.
Leader Skill シンデレラウィッシュ
May drop star pieces when you finish a live. The drop rate scales based on star rank.
チカラ ! イズ ! ぱわー ! ! Hori Yuko [SR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
35 +2 2505..4816 +241 1631..3120 +156 1316..2550 +128
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5452..10486 +525 100 60
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • Event: チカラ ! イズ ! ぱわー ! ! (2022; 19 June ~ 27 June)
超・超能力 !
(Encore) Every 18 seconds, there is a 35..52.5% chance to activate the previous skill again for 6..9 seconds.
Leader Skill シンデレラチャーム
Increases fan gain by 32% when you finish a live.
五行相克・陰陽ぱわー Hori Yuko [SSR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
40 +2 1467..3069 +154 1773..3696 +185 2708..5627 +282
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5948..12392 +621 200 80
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • プライズ付き復刻ドラマチックガールズガシャ (2025; 25 February ~ 27 February)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
  • 古今東西 ドラマチックガールズガシャ (2023; 04 March ~ 14 March)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
(Alternate) Every 6 seconds, there is a 35..52.5% chance to reduce combo bonus by 20%, but also apply the highest score bonus gained so far with a 70% boost for 3..4.5 seconds.
Leader Skill パッションプリンセス
If there are only Passion idols on the team: Raises all appeals of all Passion members by 50%.
超最強☆サイキッカー Hori Yuko [SSR]
Base stats
Regular: Lv.
40 +2 1759..3663 +184 2739..5704 +286 1440..3004 +151
Life Vocal Dance Visual
5938..12371 +621 200 80
Overall Appeal Max Bond Max Level
  • プライズ付き復刻幼馴染と転校生ガシャ (2025; 25 March ~ present)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
  • 青春満点 ! 幼馴染と転校生ガシャ (2024; 04 April ~ 16 April)
    • This card is/was limited during the gacha period.
(Overdrive) Every 9 seconds, there is a 40..60% chance to increase the combo bonus by 20%, and Perfect notes will restore 1 life for 5..7.5 seconds. (Your combo will only continue on Perfect notes during this time.)
Leader Skill パッションステップ
Raises the Dance appeal of all Passion members by 90%.